The Importance of Rest for Maintaining Passion in the Classroom

Teacher passion can have a powerful impact on student success.

For example, studies have found that students with teachers passionate about their subject matter had higher levels of engagement and motivation, which results in higher levels of achievement (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004; Hsieh & Shannon, 2005).


Well, as with most things in education, it is complicated. One possible explanation is that passionate teachers better create engaging and dynamic classroom environments. Fredricks and colleagues (2004) highlighted that when teachers are enthusiastic about their subject matter, they are more likely to use interactive teaching methods that foster student curiosity and engagement. Passionate teachers may be more effective at building strong student-teacher relationships, which is a critical factor in student motivation and achievement.

After three years of the covid-19 pandemic, teacher fatigue is high, well-being is low, and many teachers have struggled to maintain their passion for their work. This is an issue as teachers who experience high levels of stress and burnout are likelier to report lower levels of job satisfaction and commitment to their profession (Bakker, Demerouti, & Schaufeli, 2003). Further, high levels of burnout have been linked to lower levels of student achievement (Goldstein & Zvoch, 2008).

So how can teachers use this time of year to rejuvenate before returning to the classroom in 2023?

1. Take a break from technology: Consider taking a break from your computer, phone, and other screens to relax and recharge.

2. Engage in self-care activities: Treat yourself to a massage, take a long bath, or do something else that nourishes your mind and body.

3. Spend time with loved ones: Connect with family and friends and engage in activities that bring you joy.

4. Get outside: Go for a walk, hike, or bike ride in nature to get some fresh air and exercise.

5. Explore a new hobby: Take up a new hobby or activity that you've been interested in, such as painting, cooking, or playing a musical instrument.

6. Volunteer: Consider volunteering your time and skills to help others in your community.

7. Reflect and set goals: Take some time to reflect on your teaching practice and set goals for the new year.

8. Take a trip: Consider planning a trip or getaway to a new location to relax and explore.

9. Get some rest: Get plenty of rest and sleep to recharge your energy.

10. Find ways to relax and destress: Engage in activities that help you relax and destress, such as meditation, yoga, or journaling.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and I offer you my best wishes for the start of 2023!